
Interested in having your book stocked with Turn The Page Bookstore?

Turn The Page Bookstore strives to stock as many indie books as possible. However, as a new small business, our budget is tight. 

Currently, there is a waitlist of 70+ authors. To ensure every author’s voice is heard, you can fill out a form to add you to the waitlist.

Turn The Page Bookstore is a one-woman business run from her home. Space is limited. When there is room for more books, then an order is placed. 

Keep In Mind

What genres are stocked with Turn The Page Bookstore?

As of right now, the only genres that are carried are adult and young adult romance, fantasy, and romantasy. At this time, any mystery/thriller book on the waitlist will be added to a separate list. A trial run of mystery/thrillers will occur in late August through October. The stock for this trial run has already been ordered. If sales are profitable, another order will be made. We do not stock any other genres at this time. 


If your book is unavailable through a wholesale distributor, like Ingram, we cannot stock your book unless you can provide wholesale prices and accept returns if your book does not sell in 90 days.

Spread The Word

If your book is stocked, spread the word by sharing the news with your readers via social media and email/newsletters! Let your readers know an indie bookstore supports you! If you’d like a graphic created with Turn The Page’s logo, I’d be happy to provide that for you!